At the end of the KCEP, teachers will have to assess the learners using the Philippine ECD checklist, and report the learner’s performance by accomplishing the Kindergarten Progress Report.

The certificate is also the documentary basis for the issuance of the Learner’s Reference Number (LRN) (DepEd Order No.

Learners without a birth certificate may still enroll, but must submit their birth certificate within the school year (DepEd Order No. A birth or baptismal certificate is the documentary basis for early registration.School Heads must then submit a letter stating the learner’s results from the Philippine ECD Checklist and if there are any additional documentation of ECE experiences to the Schools ivision Superintendent (SDS), and secure written permission from the SDS for these learners to enter Kindergarten. Parents may provide documentation and/or certification of the learner’s previous Early Childhood Education (ECE) experiences (i.e., preschool, day care, pre-Kindergarten) in addition to the results of the Philippine ECD Checklist. However, the school may consider learners entering Kindergarten who will turn five (5) years old by the end of August on the condition that the Philippine Early Childhood Development (ECD) Checklist must be administered to the learner to ensure that the learner is capable of meeting the expectations of the grade level. Age qualification for Kindergarten learners in public schools should be five (5) years old by June 1 of every school year (DepEd Order No.All Regional Directors, Schools Division Superintendents, and School Heads of both public and private schools are directed to accept children in accordance with the following guidelines: