Stardew valley item id pomegranate
Stardew valley item id pomegranate

If you need more help with spawning duck egg, we have a detailed guide on our blog - click here to visit that page. Whenever you speak to a villager that says your name in dialogue (for example Gus at the Stardrop Saloon) you will be given the duck egg item. Extract the contents of each downloaded zip file into your Mods folder under. Download both the CJB Cheats Menu mod and the CJB Item Spawner mod. Then click Okay, and close everything down. If you do wish to use this method, first set your character's name to when creating your save. Right-click on Stardew Valley in your Steam Library, click Properties, then Set Launch Options, and paste the copied text into the text box that appears. This guide contains all the Item ID's on the game List of All Item ID's Hint Press ctrl + f then search for the item you would like to find Item Name and Item ID Weeds 0Stone 2Wild Horseradish 16Daffodil 18Leek 20Dandelion 22Parsnip 24Stone 25Lumber 30Emerald 60Aquamarine 62Ruby 64Amethyst. You can only set your character's name once, at the start of the game (when you create your world), for this reason we recommend you use the animal name method. To spawn this item using an animal's name, visit Marnie's Ranch, speak to Marnie and purchase an animal (we recommend a chicken as it is cheapest). Spawning items in Stardew Valley is not done via commands, but rather through a cheat in which you must set your character's name, or the name of an animal, to the item code of the item you wish to spawn surrounded by.

Stardew valley item id pomegranate